Govt. License No.: 574/062/063


Important terms and conditions

1Stipulation 1

THE FIRST PARTY (Employers/agent abroad) shall issue the Demand letter to the SECOND PARTY (Central Capital Services) mentioning the number of workers required and their categories, rate of salary and other service conditions of workers along with power of Attorney, Guarantee letter, Manpower Recruitment Agreement and Employment Contract (authorizing the SECOND PARTY) to recruit and expatriate the worker from Nepal on behalf of the FIRST PARTY. Demand Letter and Power of Attorney should be attested by the Chamber of Commerce of employing country, Foreign Ministry and Nepal Embassy.

2Stipulation 2

Both parties herein shall obtain the approval of the respective government to import recruit and supply the worker as per the rules and regulation of both countries in regard to the condition necessary to import and supply.

3Stipulation 3

The SECOND PARTY shall make the short-listing of qualified candidates according to their trade qualification and experience in conformity with the FIRST PARTY's requirement.

4Stipulation 4

The FIRST PARTY has the right to send his representative or give the SECOND PARTY the right to conduct selection procedure and send his such qualified worker at the SECOND PARTY's full responsibility.

5Stipulation 5

The SECOND PARTY shall assist the worker in matters relating to Nepal immigration and government formalities, medical tests and visa stamping from the relevant embassy where required and all other relevant approvals.

6Stipulation 6

The SECOND PARTY shall provide airport assistance to the departing selected workers and inform the FIRST PARTY of their arrival detail by any means of communication (fax, email, or telephone) so as to receive them on arrival.

7Stipulation 7

The FIRST PARTY will be responsible for receiving the workers at the airport in part and as whole as per requirement of the client and validity of visa of the concerned country.

8Stipulation 8

The earning of the worker per month and other services condition shall be as per the attached demand letter and contract document in relation to each category. The FIRST PARTY should clearly inform the SECOND PARTY about the salary and any other deduction as tax etc being paid by the employer and SECOND PARTY in turn should clearly inform the candidate accordingly.

9Stipulation 9

Within the three (3) month probation period from the commencement of employment, if the employer finds the selected worker to be unfit, unqualified to continue the employment, refuse to work, failed the medical tests upon arrival to destinated country or considered as a security threat, the employer can replace the worker. The replacement of the unqualified worker shall be done by the SECOND PARTY at maximum of a month from the termination of the unqualified worker. All expenses incurred in relation thereto shall be borne by the SECOND PARTY.

10Stipulation 10

Arrival of the selected candidates will be within one month upon issuing their visas. For any delay rather than this period, the visas will be cancelled and the SECOND PARTY will shoulder all the government expenses for replacement.

11Stipulation 11

FIRST PARTY will replace the candidate on their own expenditure if the candidates will not get all facilities as per contract and the company collapse before contract periods.

Copyright © Central Capital Services Pvt. Ltd.

Developed By: Nepal Tech Innovations Pvt. Ltd.